K-댄스 컬렉션

서울국제댄스페스티벌 인 탱크와 [아츠인탱크] 올댓댄스온라인페스티벌에 참여한 안무자들 중 
해외로 초청 연계되었던 안무자, 베스트작으로 선정된 안무자, 우수 안무자로 리뷰가 게재되었거나 
국내외 심사위원들에게 호평을 받은 안무자들의 작품 가운데 20편을 선정한 컬렉션

  회원가입 및 로그인 후 무료관람이 가능합니다. 

Salpuri Dance_Holyeon

弔燈 hanging outside the door

He said he didn't like the name that had already been decided and laid down.

Whoever drew it, the sea spreading across the sky is so blue...

Teacher Jeong Jae-man, who casually and freely drew towels in the air, and Kang Seon-yeong, who delicately and plainly portrayed the beauty of Korean traditional sweets.

Now, on the road left by the ancestors, he sets out on a sudden journey, following his spirit and unraveling his limits and excitement.

Choreographer&Director: Lim Seongok

Performer: Lim Seongok

Music director & Ajang: Lee Kwanwoong

Daegeum: Hong Seokyoung

Piri, Taepyeongso: Chun Sungdae

Geomungo: Lee Jinwoo

Gayageum: Lee Gaeun

Jango: Kim Yeonsu

Percussion, voice: Park Chonghun

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