K-댄스 컬렉션
회원가입 및 로그인 후 무료관람이 가능합니다.
<seonmu 김윤수류 선무춤>
seonmu, which i will be presenting to you in this occasion, was created in 2006 by kim, yoon soo. preserving the dance philosopy of traditional Byokas Ryu seonbi dance.
Director : kim yoon soo
Performer: Lee jaein
Genre: Korean traditional dance
<seonmu 김윤수류 선무춤>
seonmu, which i will be presenting to you in this occasion, was created in 2006 by kim, yoon soo. preserving the dance philosopy of traditional Byokas Ryu seonbi dance.
Director : kim yoon soo
Performer: Lee jaein
Genre: Korean traditional dance