K-댄스 컬렉션

서울국제댄스페스티벌 인 탱크와 [아츠인탱크] 올댓댄스온라인페스티벌에 참여한 안무자들 중 
해외로 초청 연계되었던 안무자, 베스트작으로 선정된 안무자, 우수 안무자로 리뷰가 게재되었거나 
국내외 심사위원들에게 호평을 받은 안무자들의 작품 가운데 20편을 선정한 컬렉션

  회원가입 및 로그인 후 무료관람이 가능합니다. 



In music, a scale is a sequence of notes arranged in order (ascending or descending). 

For example, depending on how structural units such as alphabets A.B.C are arranged, words are formed and a sentence is sometimes completed. As shown above, in music, a melody is created according to the arrangement of scales, and in ballet works, a work is completed according to the arrangement of movements.

 Just like the beginning of a composition is a scale, the intention of this work is to let the audience feel the harmony of music and movement through the simple approach that the beginning of the choreography is movement.

Choreographer: Sung Min Kim

Performer: yun Ji Lee, Hee Jae Choi, Na Re Jeon, Ye Ji Kim, Man Jae Woo

Artist director: Kyu Ja Hwang

Music composing and performing: Nae Kyung Bae

Stage director: Do Yup Lee

Lighting director: Hyung Sun Tak

Company Manager: Bo Hwe Lee

Genre: Ballet

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