K-댄스 컬렉션

서울국제댄스페스티벌 인 탱크와 [아츠인탱크] 올댓댄스온라인페스티벌에 참여한 안무자들 중 
해외로 초청 연계되었던 안무자, 베스트작으로 선정된 안무자, 우수 안무자로 리뷰가 게재되었거나 
국내외 심사위원들에게 호평을 받은 안무자들의 작품 가운데 20편을 선정한 컬렉션

  회원가입 및 로그인 후 무료관람이 가능합니다. 


<Make a promise, doll.>

"Haeseok(Interpretation in Korean) is up to you. Hyeseok is up to herself" 

Na hyeseok who was an artist and activist, born in 1896 from Suwon.

She was locked in the word 'female' in the past, but today approaching as a human rather than 'The first female', she gave us a meaningful question. 

<Make a promise, doll> is not for interpreting the life of Na hyeseok who called as a 'The first female student studying in Japan', 'The fisrst female artist of Western painting'. 

We found significant words from her life 100 years ago, current artists show movements from the meaning in 2022.

Audience can find multiform meaning and enjoy on their own sights through the journey to find lost friend.

Choreographer: Kim Hea Yeon

Director: Lim Jin-ho

video: Iim Jung Eun, 

Writter: Kim Juyeon, Kim Hyeyeon

Planning: Kwak Yongmin

Stage director: Choi Sang-ji

Lighting: Lee Seung Ho

Musician: Ji Kyung Min

Pictures: Kim Byung Jun

PR: Lee Sooyeon

host: yonist

Actor Yeon Ju-ha, Ahn Hyun-min, Park Jin-kyung, Kim Hea-yeon, Lee Young-chan

Genre: Art, documentary, drama

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